A circle with a colorful spiral and hill with black and white winter trees inside it

What is Expressive Arts Meditative Creativity?

It’s as simple as it sounds: the combination of expressive arts with meditation and mindfulness practices to create a blend of multi-sensory, body-based experiences. This blend allows individuals to be present and explore what is arising in the moment.

Therapist and author Shelly Klammer highlights the benefits of meditational creativity:

  1. Meditative creativity deepens insight into what you have expressed and helps you access a deeper understanding of your art.
  2. Meditative creativity improves concentration and deepens your emotional experience of your intuitive art.
  3. Meditative creativity increases self-acceptance of what you have created.
  4. Meditative creativity expands consciousness beyond everyday levels of thinking.

This approach taps into traditional and contemporary wisdom, integrating creativity and meditation in a way that liberates us from patterns of thought and conditioning that keep us stuck. It also helps us connect in meaningful ways to the world around us.

Starfish on the beach

Like a wave rushing across the shore, treasures are sometimes washed up, edges are shifted, perspectives are broadened, emotions are washed away, and each moment is new. As we delve into the more soulful places, we discover that going profoundly deeper may surprise us. Expressive arts work tracks this newly evolving awareness, not only in the higher realms of ourselves but also in our deepest core – and I have felt this in my work in expressive arts and aspire to bring that to my work with other people.

The folks at Headspace report

By using meditation for creativity, we can calm the mind to create the stillness and clarity that then allows us to access our creative inspiration, giving it the space it needs to float to the top. That’s precisely why it seems like our most creative thoughts often surface as we’re drifting off to sleep, during a walk, or in the middle of a shower. Because our preoccupation with the stresses of the day or the busyness of the mind drops away when we unwind and relax, creating the conditions for creativity to flourish.

If you are interested in exploring meditative creativity, you might consider working with me one-on-one, or our Saturday Open Studio or any of the SoulCollage® Workshops, or taking any of the mindful art workshops like Zen Doodling, Mandala Making, Pulse and Precision, Slow Drawing, or Art and Nature Retreats. In the meantime, do what brings you joy and write about it, draw about it, sing about it, dance about it, or sit quietly and think or pray about it. Your mind, body, and spirit will be glad you did.

To learn more about our expressive art mindful classes, click here.

The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

~ © 1997 by Coleman Barks. Posted with permission. All rights reserved.

From The Illuminated Rumi


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