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Join our 4-session Level Beginning art class that will help you enhance your realistic drawing skills. Unleash your creativity and take control of your artistic choices.

This class is designed to help you improve your ability to draw realistically without limiting your creativity. One of the best things about creating art is completely controlling your creative decisions.

An artist and educator, Sasha believes that if you can write your name in cursive, you can draw! With a pencil (and charcoal) in hand, you’ll discover the possibilities of your creative journey. Learning to draw involves learning to see, and it can be an excellent way to slow down and appreciate the world around us. By exploring line, contour, gesture, and form while using different materials and the marks they make, you will begin to develop your artistic skills and meet other creative people along the way.

Drawing can be an immersive experience that allows us to disconnect from our minds and be present in the moment. It gives us the gift of becoming students of the outside world again, enabling us to notice the extraordinary beauty in the mundane. Through the flow state, we can delve deep within ourselves to find our inner voice, ultimately leading to our unique style as artists.

In this course, you will learn various artistic techniques, including line, form, shading, and more, to help you express your authentic self. It is essential to learn how to draw what you see, not what you think you see, as this is inherently tied to improving your art skills and knowledge. The course will teach you how to harness your intuition through engaging “drawing on the right side of the brain” techniques. This non-competitive class provides a warm and encouraging environment to help you learn the fundamentals of drawing and express yourself fully, allowing you to experience the freedom and joy of your inner creativity!

All art materials will be supplied; you only need your creativity and imagination!

YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE AT https://calendly.com/learn-with-sasha/basic-drawing-101-active-observer-in-studio

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