SoulCollage® Card Making What’s it All About?
The Ego, Jung tells us, is that part of the psyche that we think of as ‘I’ – our conscious intelligence, our everyday brain that thinks, plans and runs the show of our day-to-day life. The Self, as Jung defined it, is a greater entity, which includes the Ego but also incorporates the Personal and Collective Unconscious. Dreams and intuitions come from the Self. The archetypes of the unconscious dwell there. It is, Jung believed, the sphere of the Soul. ~ Steven Pressfield. ‘The War of Art’
What helps me face life’s challenges with a strong and open heart? What helps me “show my soul” in difficult times rather than succumb to the low vibration of fear? In navigating the magnitude of change that’s occurring now, both personally and globally, I’m using SoulCollage® as one tool to maintain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and balance. And as of September 24, 2022, I have completed my facilitator certification for SoulCollage® Cards workshop. I’d love to take you on an amazing journey. It simple process that is magical and practical. And there is no experience necessary.
SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice done individually or in community. Seena B. Frost founded the method, which develops creativity and intuition, encourages self-discovery, and provides personal guidance. (From the SoulCollage® website)

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