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So, what is an Expressive Arts Open Studio? The open studio approach, coined by Dr. Pat Allen, is grounded in the central role of art and an open and non-moderated creative process (there is no art instruction; we are focused on the process rather than the product). The facilitator holds the space to allow individual expression in a group setting.

Join us for a three-hour session where you can unleash your imagination and creativity using simple tools like brushes, paints, and chalk. You will have the chance to meet and interact with characters who may have previously prevented you from expressing yourself passionately and authentically. The expressive arts process will help you develop intuition and trust in your creative abilities.

No prior art experience is necessary, as the focus is on self-inquiry and personal growth. You will be provided with a space free from criticism and judgment where you can create a visual artwork, work on your own work-in-progress, or add to your SoulCollage® deck using the abundant materials available in the studio. In each session, we will explore self-care, mindfulness, community connection, and social justice themes using materials, poetry, music, inspiring passages from books, lists of words, music, or other prompts to get us thinking in metaphor. These prompts encourage us to move away from our linear left-brain judging world to a liminal space where the work of dreaming, visioning, exploring, seeking, healing, and personal transformation happens.

Sasha usually provides a short visualization guiding participants into relaxing and embodying our theme for the day – and then we are off to creating: painting, drawing, doodling, stitching, or modeling with clay or paper. Individuals each choose their process based on the materials at hand. Then, individually and collectively, we create a work of art at our own pace in response to our experience. At the end of the session, we may witness each other’s artwork without comment, judgment, or analysis. ExA does not interpret the art and add meaning like; you drew this, so it means this. The artist-participants can apply meaning to their work, but the focus is on your experience and your unique response.

Recent studies have shown a correlation between meditation practice & art increases in creativity, flexibility, resilience, & openness to novelty, all-important for navigating life stressors. From a more traditional standpoint, expressive arts practice helps us touch upon the infinite, inventive, creative power within us.

Sasha, an experienced and certified Expressive Arts and SoulCollage facilitator, will be present to help you overcome any creative blocks and to guide you through the process of listening to your inner voice and the voice of your creations.

The session begins with a welcome, orientation, and inspirational activity from 11:00-11:30 pm. You are encouraged to arrive on time, but it’s okay if you need to leave early! The open studio work time is from 11:30-2:00 pm.

To ensure ample space and materials for participants, you MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE HERE. 

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