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Are you seeking company and inspiration to start or resume your watercolor practice? Look no further!

Join Sasha, an artist and educator, for a two-hour open studio-style session. Bring your current artwork, paint from a still life or reference, refine your color mixing skills, or draw inspiration from the scenic beauty of Walled Lake. You’ll also benefit from the creative community’s insightful feedback as we learn so much from each other. Consistency is vital to maintaining an artmaking habit. We believe that creating things with your hands leads to overall well-being.
This class is tailored for individuals with some watercolor experience. Each session is self-contained, so you don’t need to worry if you miss one. But you do need to register in advance. There are countless benefits to developing an artmaking practice, from acquiring new techniques to connecting with fellow artists to improving your mental health through expressive creativity.
If you have any questions, please email us at hello@artworksmichigan.com. We look forward to creating art with you soon! Please note that this workshop is intended for individuals aged 16 and older. The cost is $15 per two-hour session (supplies are not included). Registration must be completed in advance via this link.


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